Utiq Consent Management

Users can manage Utiq consent as follows:

Action Location Details
Grant Consent Brand or Publisher website Users can give consent on the website of the Brand or Publisher.
Revoke Consent 1. Brand or Publisher website
2. Consenthub
Users can revoke consent on the Brand or Publisher’s website (see the “Manage Utiq” page) or on Utiq’s consenthub.
Deactivate Service / Prevent activation Consenthub Users can deactivate/prevent the activation of the Utiq service on consenthub, preventing the generation of martechpass or adtechpass tokens regardless of consent status.

The following cookies are used by the Utiq service:

  • utiq_consent_status
  • connectId

The following local storage object are populated:

  • utiqPass: contains the martechpass and adtechpass tokens.
  • utiqEligibility: contains the eligibility status of the user’s mobile network connection.

Depending on the user’s action, the cookies and martechpass/adtechpass are set/removed as follows:

Action utiq_consent_status connectId martechpass, adtechpass
Consent given
(user clicks “Accept”)
true set set
Consent not given
(user clicks “Reject”)
false not set not set
Consent revoked from the “Manage Utiq” page false removed removed
Consent revoked using consenthub
⚠️ after 10 min on the next visit
false removed removed
Utiq service stopped from consenthub false removed removed

The following table provides details on the cookies:

Name TTL Description Example value
utiq_consent_status 90 days Cookie set when the user accepts/reject Utiq consent. It is a base 64 encoded value of true or false indicating if the user has given consent for the Utiq service. true: dHJ1ZQ==
false: ZmFsc2U=
connectId 90 days Cookie set when the user accepts Utiq consent. Its value relates the user with a specific Brand or Publisher domain. When present, it is used to find the user without requiring a new network signal from the operator network. This reduces the burden to the network operators’ APIs. MTY5NTgxND...rAxcJEA==