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Checklist for go-live

  1. Implement one of the two options for Utiq Consent Experience: as part of the standard integration of the Utiq technology, we currently support 2 options for the Utiq consent experience:

Option A: Integrated model

With this option, the Utiq consent is embedded in the website’s main Consent Management Platform (CMP). The user only interacts with one consent window.

When to use it?

Integrated model is considered the default option.

If you meet all the minimum Utiq standards for using the Integrated model (See “Pre-requisites: Make sure you meet the minimum Utiq standards for using the Integrated model”)


Option B: Separate pop-up model

With this option, the website integrates Utiq’s out-of-the-box dedicated consent pop-up. This means the user interacts with 2 consent windows (first, user accepts website’s main CMP and then is presented with Utiq’s separate consent pop-up).

When to use it?

If you are unable to implement the default option A (Integrated model).

If you do not meet the minimum Utiq standards for using the Integrated model (See “Pre-requisites: Make sure you meet the minimum Utiq standards for using the Integrated model”)


  1. Set up the dedicated “Manage Utiq” page linked via a footer hyperlink

  2. Include reference to Utiq technology in the domain’s privacy statement

Please note that points 2. and 3. are required for all the Utiq Consent Experience models (i.e., options A and B listed under point 1).

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