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"Integrated Model" - Didomi


Configuration in Didomi console

1st layer


Utiq consent text (1st layer)

Utiq consent text (1st layer) for “Integrated Model” can be found here.

Set up the functionalities in the Utiq Integrated Model text

Configurable elements

The Utiq consent text contains configurable element “Data Controller”.




You will need to populate dedicated configurable elements with your details: Data Controller’s name and legal form → the legal entity that owns the website as mentioned on the website’s Privacy Policy page

Clickable elements

The Utiq consent text (1st layer and Utiq purpose displayed in the 2nd layer of the CMP) contains clickable elements:

  • consenthub

  • Utiq's Privacy Statement

  • telecom operator

  • our other websites


 You will need to implement hyperlinks that open in a new page for clickable elements within Utiq consent text:


  • our other websites: the reference to other websites in scope within the Utiq consent text must be correctly hyperlinked and direct the user to the relevant section within the “Manage Utiq” page where there is the list of all such websites in scope (i.e., all websites that would make use of the same martechpass value) (see “2. Setup the dedicated “Manage Utiq” page linked via a footer hyperlink“).


Utiq requires the implementation of 2 sections in the “Manage Utiq” page (see “2. Setup the dedicated “Manage Utiq” page linked via a footer hyperlink“) listing the cross domain websites in scope and participating telecom operators:

  • The reference to “our other websites” in scope within the Utiq consent text must be correctly hyperlinked and direct the user to a page listing all such websites in scope.

  • The reference to “telecom operator” within the Utiq consent text must be correctly hyperlinked and direct the user to the relevant section in Utiq’s privacy statement listing all telecom operators participating in Utiq technology →

(1) Utiq logo next to "other similar technologies"

In case scrolling is required to view Utiq consent text, Utiq logo must be placed in a fully visible section of the CMP (logo must be clickable and, if clicked, to scroll automatically to the Utiq section).

The most logical place is expected to be next to the mention of use of similar tracking technologies.

Please add Utiq logo, using the following code:

(including <img style="height: 1em;" src="" alt="Utiq">)

(2 - 3) Utiq title, Utiq logo and Utiq consent text (1st layer)

Add the Utiq title, Utiq logo and Utiq consent text (1st layer) in your Didomi CMP 1st layer.

Please add Utiq title, Utiq logo and Utiq consent text, using the following code:

<h3><img style="height: 1em;" src="" alt="Utiq"> Use of Telecom and Utiq powered technology in this website for digital marketing</h3>
By consenting, you let <b>Utiq SA/NV</b> and your <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>telecom operator</strong></a> activate the Utiq technology for this website. Utiq will first check if it's available to you using your IP address. If yes, Utiq will share your IP address with your operator which will create an identifier for Utiq using the IP and an account reference such as your mobile number. We ([INSERT DATA CONTROLLER]) will use the Utiq technology to recognise you and collect insights about your navigation across this and any of <a href="https://<your_domain_name>/manage-utiq.html#manage-utiq-website-list" target="_blank">our other websites</a> (only those where you also activated the Utiq technology). This is to perform our digital marketing activities listed above, depending on the consents you give us for this. You can withdraw your consent to the use of Utiq technology at any time using <a href="" target ="_blank">Utiq's privacy portal</a> ("<a href="" target ="_blank"><img style="height: 1em;" src="" alt="consenthub"></a>") or via "Manage Utiq" at the bottom of this site (for this website only). For more, see <a href="" target="_blank">Utiq's Privacy Statement</a>.


Utiq purpose displayed in the 2nd layer of the CMP

Utiq custom purpose


Utiq consent must be collected both for Utiq custom purpose and for Utiq custom vendor.

When you configure the Utiq custom purpose, please use the following text:




Purpose name

Utiq purpose name for “Integrated Model” can be found here.

Purpose description

Utiq purpose description for “Integrated Model” can be found here.

In Didomi’s console, select Data manager and select "Purposes" and create a new purpose as follows:

Please add purpose description using the following code:

<p><strong>Utiq SA/NV</strong> together with <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>participating telecom operators</strong></a> provide the Utiq technology, that can be used by websites to perform their digital marketing activities whilst offering you control through the <a href="" target="_blank">Utiq privacy portal</a> ("<a href="" target="_blank"><img style="height:12px; display:inline;" src="" alt="consenthub"></a>") where you can withdraw the consents you give to the use of the Utiq technology in this website and any other Utiq participating websites in one single place.</p>
<p>If you give your consent, Utiq will share your IP address with your operator so that it can create a secure online identifier ("Network Signal"). This is done by matching your IP to an account reference such as your mobile number. Your operator will then share this identifier with Utiq, without sharing any other personal data about you. Utiq uses this identifier to create additional marketing identifiers (known as "martechpass" and "adtechpass", valid for 90 days and 24hrs respectively). First party cookies are also used to store your consent choice and retrieve the identifiers. We will use the marketing identifiers to recognise you as the same visitor and collect insights about your navigation on this website to perform the digital marketing activities that you have given us consent for. If you activate the Utiq technology in any of <a href="https://<your_domain_name>/manage-utiq.html#manage-utiq-website-list" target="_blank">our other websites</a>, we will be able to use the same marketing identifiers to recognise you and use your browsing across such websites.</p>
<p>For extra details please visit <a href="" target="_blank">Utiq's Privacy Statement</a>.</p>


Utiq custom vendor


Utiq consent must be collected both for Utiq custom purpose and for Utiq custom vendor.

In Didomi’s console, select Data manager and then after creating the Utiq purpose select "Vendors" and create a new vendor as follows:


Vendor name


Privacy Policy

Purposes based on consent

<select the “Use of Telecom and Utiq powered technology on this website for digital marketing”>

Consent validity

The consent validity timeframe (the time after which consent should be re-requested) for Utiq consents is 180 days.

Also the denied consent duration for Utiq consents is 180 days.

Please configure the consent validity in your Didomi Console.

Technical implementation

Technical steps

Please implement the following code to be executed after the Didomi code has completed.

The customizationOptions are needed for the styling of the "Withdraw Utiq consent" confirmation pop-up in Manage Utiq page.

Using ES6 or greater JavaScript Version

For Tag Manager integration, create a new custom HTML tag and inject the Utiq loader script using a script wrapper function. The example below demonstrates how to achieve this using JavaScript

window.Utiq = window.Utiq || {}
window.Utiq.config = {
  CMP: "Didomi",
  // API ID <-- from
  didomiUtiqPurposeId: "<api_id>",
  // SDK ID <-- from
  didomiUtiqVendorId: "<sdk_id>",
  customizationOptions: {
    buttons: {
      bodyColor: '#ff0066',
      textColor: '#000000',
      radius: 5,
    contentTextColor: '#000000'
(() => {
  const s = document.createElement("script")
  s.type = 'text/javascript';
  s.src = ""
  s.async = true;

Using up to ES5 JavaScript Version (Google Tag Manager)

  window.Utiq = window.Utiq || {}
  window.Utiq.config = {
    CMP: "Didomi",
    // API ID <-- from
    didomiUtiqPurposeId: "<api_id>",
    // SDK ID <-- from
    didomiUtiqVendorId: "<sdk_id>",
    customizationOptions: {
      buttons: {
        bodyColor: '#ff0066',
        textColor: '#000000',
        radius: 5,
      contentTextColor: '#000000'
  (function () {
    var s = document.createElement("script")
    s.type = 'text/javascript';
    s.src = ""
    s.async = true;

Correct configuration of accept and reject functions

  • The CMP must be configured to ensure that Utiq calls are only triggered if user accepts Utiq consent. This means if the user either clicks on:

    • "accept all" or

    • accept Utiq custom purpose ("Use of Telecom and Utiq powered technology on this website for digital marketing") and Utiq customer vendor.

  • Utiq technology must be off by default.

  • No Utiq calls to enable the Utiq technology shall be triggered if a user clicks on reject option.

  • Only strictly necessary cookies can be dropped if user clicks on reject option i.e., consent status.

Utiq consent withdrawal mechanisms

3 ways to withdraw Utiq consents:

Utiq script ensures synchronization CMP-consenthub-Consent withdraw function hosted in Manage Utiq page.

Function not to show main CMP in “Manage Utiq” page

To avoid prompting your CMP in the “Manage Utiq” page, please add the following configuration right before you Didomi tag.


window.didomiConfig = window.didomiConfig || {};
window.didomiConfig = {
  notice: {
    enable: false

Evidence of consents

Ensure that Didomi Versions & Proofs feature in your Didomi console works as expected:

  • Ensure that you are keeping track of the previous version of your Consent Notices that includes Utiq consent.

  • Ensure that the Evidence of consent feature in your Didomi console is correctly capturing the user’s preferences for the Utiq consent.

Please see here for relevant Didomi documentation:

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.