Utiq Technical Documentation
Welcome to the Technical Documentation of Utiq. This section contains details about the onboarding process, programmatic integration, analytics integration, data activation, and reference to our API.
What is covered in this documentation
This documentation covers the below topics.
Onboarding Process - this section covers all the necessary steps and process for onboarding a website, how Utiq SDK is configured with your CMP, how to create Manage Utiq page and how to configure Privacy Policy. It also contains Testing use cases, configuration options, and methods of using Utiq Passes.
Programmatic Integration - this section covers all the necessary steps and process for configuring a publisher’s website for programmatic integration, configuring Prebid header wrapper, using Utiq module and passing Utiq adtechpass to SSPs for OpenRTB and Utiq martechpass to SSPs for pre-targeting.
Analytics Integration - this section covers all the necessary steps and process for integrating a website with your Web Analytics solution, using Utiq SDK event listeners, to trigger some events to your Tag Manager & Web Analytics, to capture consent funnel events and Utiq Eligible users segments.
Data Activation - this section covers all the necessary steps and process to allow a brand or publisher to onboard audiences that have been generated by martechpass in their CDP/DMP, into other destination platforms (e.g. DSPs or SSPs), to allow activation of audiences for targeting and frequency capping.
Developer Reference - this section contains technical details about Utiq SDK API Methods and Event Listeners, that a developer should be aware of and use based on integration needs or desired use cases. How consent is synced, how Utiq passes are collected, and how to do race conditioning optimization.