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Below are the details for testing the Utiq integration.

The following steps should be completed before taking the service into production use.

Note the utiqLoader.js only makes the Utiq service calls if consent (as configured via CMP) has been accepted for the Utiq appropriate purpose.

  • In your browser set a Developer Tools -> Network tab requests filter to: /idc|utiq./

  • Set a stub customer identifier using for example this Chrome browser extension ModHeader and setting the request header x-cryptip with a sha256 (64 bytes) string, which will be provided by the Customer Success team for the integration testing.

  • If you cannot/don’t want to use the ModHeader extension, you can use your testing stub by adding it as a query string parameter, (i.e. querystring utiq_stub=XXX) to the URL you’re trying to test. This should be your personal stub and need only be added once to URL, for each site, like this.
    With this testing methodology, you will need to do the same, at least once, for consenthub, like this.

Using a stub customer identifier:

  1. Clear all browser cache / application storage, then open the page with the Utiq service enabled. You should see the correct consent notification.

  2. Accept the consent. Then check you can see a bunch of requests applying above filter:

  3. Go to and click on “Manage your Utiq consents” button to enter the area to see all consented sites/apps. You should now see your site listed.

  4. Go back to your site and open consent settings and reject the Utiq service consent.

  5. Refresh page or navigate to another page. You should no longer see above calls.

  6. Go back to and refresh the page. Then click on “Manage your Utiq consents” button to enter the area to see all consented sites/apps. You should no longer see your site listed.

Note: If you are testing with an internet connection that is from a telco participating in the Utiq service, the telco connection will take precedence over the stub. If the telco is not yet enabled during the testing, you will need to use a different telco connection to work with the stub.

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