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netID in bid stream via Utiq Prebid module

What is netID

In Germany, netID refers to a single sign-on (SSO) system used by publishers, broadcasters, and other online services. It was developed by the European netID Foundation to provide a privacy-friendly alternative to login solutions. Here's how it works:

  • Purpose: It allows users to log in to multiple websites and services with a single account while complying with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The system emphasizes data protection and user control over personal information.

  • Usage: netID is implemented by major German media and publishing companies like RTL, ProSiebenSat.1, and others. Users create a NetID account with a participating service, and this account can then be used across other partner websites and services.

  • Privacy Features: Users can manage their data and consent preferences through a central NetID Privacy Center. This transparency aligns with GDPR's principles of giving individuals control over their personal data.

  • Examples: If you register with a NetID account on one website (e.g., RTL's online portal), you can use the same login credentials for other partner sites without re-registering.

Use case using Utiq Prebid module to pass netID in bid stream

Utiq is working with publishers, German and other, to integrate Utiq Authentic Consent Service on their websites, and generate Utiq IDs (martechpass, adtechpass).

In parallel, Utiq has Prebid User ID modules, that allow publishers to integrate in their Prebid configuration, and Prebid to send Utiq IDs (e.g. the adtechpass) to SSP bid request calls, which they forward downstream to DSPs, for the Programmatic ecosystem to be able to use Utiq IDs, for bidding.

The use case here is that German publishers using netID can leverage Utiq Prebid User ID module to pass the netID in the bid stream, instead of the Utiq adtechpass, if/when netID is defined and available on the user’s browser.

Using this enabler does not require the domain to be integrated / enabled by Utiq. That means, that a German publisher can leverage Utiq Prebid User ID module, regardless of Utiq integration.

The priority of which ID is used and passed with Utiq module, in the bid stream, is as follows:

For websites integrated with netID only

  • If netID is defined and set in user's browser, then Utiq passes netID in the bid stream

For websites integrated with netID and Utiq

  • If netID is defined and set in user's browser, then Utiq passes netID in the bid stream

  • If netID is not defined and set in user's browser, then Utiq passes adtechpass in the bid stream

Note that netID integration on websites remain solely responsibility of netID and publisher, without any Utiq intervention. Also, Utiq is not collecting, at all, nor storing netID id of user, while acts solely as Prebid enabler / pass-through.

How to integrate the solution

If you want to pass netID using Utiq Prebid module, follow the instructions for Programmatic Integration.

Ensure you use Prebid version 9.21 or higher

Then, in your netID integration, you need to set netID in localStorage netid_utiq_adtechpass, when available.

Utiq module will automatically detect netID being set in user’s browser, and if it’s there, it will give priority to it, and passing it automatically to SSP bid calls.

If you don’t use Utiq Prebid module, you can use Utiq API to return localStorage netid_utiq_adtechpass, as atid.

How to test the solution

Note that netID will be storing the user’s netID in a localStorage key netid_utiq_adtechpass

Therefore, following our ‘Testing Prebid Integration’ guide you should expect to see the following:

For websites integrated with netID only

  • If netid_utiq_adtechpass is defined, then pbjs.getUserIdsAsEidBySource("") should give you the same value

For websites integrated with netID and Utiq

  • If netid_utiq_adtechpass is defined, then pbjs.getUserIdsAsEidBySource("") should give you the same value

  • If netid_utiq_adtechpass is not defined, then pbjs.getUserIdsAsEidBySource("") should give you Utiq’s adtechpass which can be retrieve by window.Utiq.API.getIdGraphEntry('atid')

For any questions please contact Utiq Customer Success team

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