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Accessing the Utiq Passes

The Utiq passes and metadata you can access, are the following:

  • mtid (martechpass)

  • atid (adtechpass)

  • attrid (attributionpass)

  • category → ‘mobile’ or ‘fixed’, to differentiate if Utiq IDs are generated based the mobile connection, or the fixed (household) connection

These passes are enabled based on agreement with Utiq - reach out to

There are two ways to retrieve these values:

1. Using the getIdGraphEntry API method


try {
  const martechpass = window.Utiq.API.getIdGraphEntry('mtid')
  console.log(`martechpass: ${martechpass}`)
  const adtechpass = window.Utiq.API.getIdGraphEntry('atid')
  console.log(`adtechpass: ${adtechpass}`)
  const attributionpass = window.Utiq.API.getIdGraphEntry('attrid')
  console.log(`attributionpass: ${attributionpass}`)
  const category = window.Utiq.API.getIdGraphEntry('category')
  console.log(`category: ${category}`)
} catch (err) {
  console.error(`getIdGraphEntry API call failed. Reason: ${err.message}`)

2. Using the onIdsAvailable event listener


window.Utiq = window.Utiq || {};
window.Utiq.config = {
  listeners: {
    onIdsAvailable: ({ mtid, atid, attrid, category }) => {
      // Single callback action
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