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Capacitor SDK Integration

This guide provides instructions on how to integrate the Capacitor plugin into your Ionic app with Angular. The plugin includes the following features: initialize, acceptConsent, rejectConsent, and startService.


Before you start, ensure you have the following:

  • Node.js and npm installed

  • Ionic CLI installed

  • Capacitor CLI installed

  • An existing Ionic project with Angular


To install the plugin, run the following command in your project directory:

npm install utiq-tech@latest
npx cap sync

Integration Steps

Initialize the Plugin

To use the plugin, you need to initialize it in your app. Add the following code in your app.component.ts or a suitable service file.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { UTIQ } from 'utiq-tech';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: 'app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['app.component.scss'],

export class AppComponent {
  constructor() {

async initialize() {
    const config = { sdkToken: 'SDK_TOKEN', configParams: JSON.stringify(environment.utiq), sdkOptions: { enableLogging: true } };
    await UTIQ.initialize(config);

Accept Consent

To accept user consent, use the acceptConsent method:

async acceptConsent() {
  await UTIQ.acceptConsent();

Reject Consent

To reject user consent, use the rejectConsent method:

async rejectConsent() {
  await UTIQ.rejectConsent();

Start Service

To start the service, use the startService method:

async startService() {
  await UTIQ.startService({ stubToken: STUB_TOKEN });


To interact with Utiq events, you need to add the listeners for the Utiq events, use the addListener method:

UTIQ.addListener('onIdsAvailable', (info: any) => {
    this.atid = Object.values(info)[0];
    this.mtid = Object.values(info)[1];
    console.log(`onIdsAvailable -> mtid: ` + this.mtid + ` , atid: ` + this.atid);

iOS Specific Notes

  1. Permissions: Ensure you have added the necessary permissions in your Info.plist file.

  2. Build Configuration: Make sure to run npx cap sync ios after installing the plugin to update the native iOS project.

  3. Additional Setup: Some plugins might require additional setup in Xcode. Refer to the plugin documentation for more details.

Android Specific Notes

  1. Permissions: Ensure you have added the necessary permissions in your AndroidManifest.xml file.

  2. Build Configuration: Make sure to run npx cap sync android after installing the plugin to update the native Android project.

  3. Proguard Rules: If you are using Proguard, you might need to add specific rules for the plugin. Refer to the plugin documentation for more details.

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