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Data Activation

The martechpass can be used with Analytics, CDP, DMP, and other MarTech solutions of the Brand or Publisher, creating segments as needed, e.g. for targeting, retargeting, etc.

Activation to DSPs, SSPs, or other destinations, is done via the Utiq platform, following the below steps.

Data Activation Process

Brand or Publisher sends a file with martechpasses and segment IDs to a Utiq provided S3 bucket

Utiq will provide you an S3 bucket where you will be able to daily send audience files, per martechpass.

Important: We will need the full audience file daily and not only deltas. This is required for consent validity reasons, as Utiq’s platform ‘consent validity’ step (below) is crucial for Privacy, and will be daily checking if the respective martechpass' consent is still valid, before re-activating (daily) to the destination platform(s)

File location and naming patterns

The S3 bucket you will be provisioned will have the below pattern.

For audience participation files, it could be like this.


For segment metadata files, it could be like this.


Segment metadata is supported only for Equativ SSP, at the moment.

Note the below needed parts:

  • /<destination>/ sub-folder - You will need to chose a pattern here and let us know where you need us to route these files (e.g. to a single DSP/SSP and/or to multiple other platforms)

  • /yyyy-mm-dd/ sub-folder - Each day we need a new sub-folder, to signal the new day's data activation. After each processing, we are deleting files older than three (3) days

  • <file>.gz file name - We don’t have specific requirements on the filename. It can be anything that ends in .gz if compressed

If you want to see files you will be dropping in this S3, you can use any of the below S3 command lines.

File content patterns

The format of the file content should be exactly what the destination platform expects, as we won't do any format transform, on our side.

Example of file content format would be the following. But would be different per destination platform, and you need to accommodate, accordingly.


File gets automatically processed and passed to the destination platform(s) S3 bucket for the Brand or Publisher 1st party data

We will process the daily audience files you drop on the S3 bucket and do the following:

  1. 'Translate' each martechpass to it's respective consentpass

  2. Check consent validity (e.g. user might have revoked consent from consenthub)

  3. Remove records for not-still-consented consentpasses

We won't do any additional file transformation, besides the above IDs translation.

Once activated in the the destination platform(s), segment(s) can be used for targeting, retargeting etc.

After Utiq platform has activated the audience files to the destination platform(s) of your choice, you will be ready to use and activate these audience(s) for campaigning.

Important: Audience(s) in the destination platform(s) will need to be configured with a three (3) days TTL (Time To Live) expiration. This is required for consent validity reasons, as Utiq’s platform ‘consent validity’ step (above) is crucial for Privacy, and will be daily checking if the respective martechpass' consent is still valid, before re-activating (daily) to the destination platform(s)

Data Activation Details

For the integration, Utiq service provisioning team requires the following information:

  1. Email address where to sent S3 bucket credentials to

  2. Details about the <destination> pattern you will use in the activation files, and to which platform(s) you want us to activate to - verify specific Seat IDs if/where needed

  3. Details on file content patterns, to verify compatibility with destination platform(s)

  4. Confirmation that you will be able to send us the full audience files daily

  5. Confirmation that audiences is set to three (3) days TTL in platform(s)

Please contact our Customer Success team at for more information.

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