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Data Activation

The martechpass can be used with Analytics, CDP, DMP, and other MarTech solutions of the Brand or Publisher, creating segments as needed, e.g. for targeting, retargeting, etc.

Activation to DSPs is done via the Utiq platform, following the following steps:

  1. The Brand or Publisher sends a file with martechpasses and segment ids to a Utiq provided S3 bucket.

  2. The file gets automatically processed and passed on to the DSP’s S3 bucket for the Brand or Publisher 1st party data.

  3. Once activated in the DSP, segment(s) can be used for targeting, retargeting etc.

For the integration, the Utiq service provisioning team requires the following information:

  1. Definition of the file name and data structure as it will be received by the Utiq service from Analytics, CDP, or DMP for data activation. See Adobe Audience Manager example. The Utiq service provisioning team will provide the S3 bucket folder details where the data for activation should be uploaded.

  2. Definition of file name and data structure as required by the DSP / DMP receiving the activated data.

  3. Location (S3 bucket) where the data for activation should be sent to.

Please contact our Customer Success team at to request and share information.

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