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1. Context

UTIQ and Equativ have joined forces to revolutionize the digital advertising landscape, combining their expertise to deliver enhanced solutions for a more effective and privacy-first ecosystem. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you step-by-step through the key use cases you can implement on the Equativ platform, showcasing how UTIQ’s capabilities unlock new opportunities and maximize performance in your campaigns.

Objective of this page: Welcome to this step-by-step tutorial where we explore how to utilize the Equativ platform to execute key advertising use cases powered by UTIQ. By leveraging the strengths of UTIQ’s privacy-first capabilities, you can optimize your campaigns to achieve superior results while respecting user privacy.

In this guide, we’ll cover three essential use cases:

  1. Reach & Frequency

  2. Data Onboarding for Targeting and Exclusion.

  3. Combined Prospecting and Retargeting Deal

Each section includes detailed explanations and practical guidance.

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